Just over one year ago, Eminence Kids Foundation launched our first partnership in the United States with B.I.G. Love Cancer Care. Based in Texas, this incredible organization provides personalized care and necessities to pediatric cancer patients and their families. Eminence Kids’ donation of organic whole fruits and vegetables has not only helped tired families in need, but opened many eyes about the benefits of organic nutrition. Jessica Phillips, B.I.G. Love’s Founder and Executive Director, shared with us how organic produce and juices have affected families fighting cancer.
Eminence Kids is at its one-year anniversary of supporting B.I.G. Love Cancer Care with organic fruits and vegetables. Has there been an impact?
The parents are grateful, and have even commented, “I keep meaning to give my children organic fruits and vegetables.” This leads to discussions regarding the benefits of choosing healthy foods and its impact on a disease prevention lifestyle. The families are always thankful to Eminence Kids Foundation and the concern shown to the patients and families. We thank you for all you do for our kids!
Families Seek Out Information about the Benefits of Organic Nutrition
B.I.G. Love Cancer Care fulfills need lists weekly from kids and families in addition to gift bags, toys and other special surprises. Is organic produce specifically requested?
Organic produce is requested by some families, however the added benefit is found in the discussion with families who do not know the difference between [conventional] produce and organic produce. It becomes a teaching moment. Organic produce is beneficial for children with weakened immune systems. It is especially important to shy away from the produce listed on the “dirty dozen” list. Healthy produce is a part of caring for the patients and their families.
Eminence Kids Foundation has a mission to educate about the benefits of organic foods. Share how B.I.G. Love Cancer spotlights these important messages about organic nutrition.
We always display the signage and infographics about organics provided by Eminence Kids Foundation alongside the produce in the wooden Eminence Organics box. When discussing the donation, I tell the story of the founder, Boldijarre Koronczay, surviving pediatric cancer and his belief that his grandmother’s organic produce helped him heal.
Eminence Kids Foundation Will Unveil Second U.S. Location Soon!
Eminence Kids Foundation is honored to continue donating organic fruits, vegetables and cold-pressed juices to B.I.G. Love Cancer Care in Texas. We are proud to be expanding to a second location in the United States very soon!
The Eminence Kids Foundation is active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter discussing the benefits of organic nutrition, sharing untold and heartfelt stories and more. As well, a portion of the sales from every Eminence Organic Skin Care product you purchase supports the Eminence Kids Foundation.